07 August, 2013

On Becoming Captain Barnacles - The Gathering

As mentioned in my last post, my new mission is to create a Captain Barnacles costume to appear at my son's birthday party. I set about gathering materials.

    Safety first
  • Suit. I needed a blue jumpsuit. I initially looked at the all-embarrassing jogging onesie, but decided against these because I didn't want to spent so much money on something I would never, ever, use again, and secondly they didn't come in the right colour. So I eventually decided on these disposable overalls.

    Tip: I ordered 2 (in case I managed to tear one), only to find that they come in packs of 4, which is not stated on their website. Would anyone like a free one?

  • Grrrrrr
    . Probably the defining feature of the Octonauts is their giant head size. Initially I considered a giant inflatable/paper mache head, but couldn't find anything that would work and didn't want to spend time doing paper mache. So in the end, I ordered this:

    Tip: This turned out to be a mistake (see below)

  • Ni Hao!
    . These were the best I could find. The head bit doesn't look like Captain Barnacles so I will just tuck that down behind my back and rely on the hands and sleeve part.

  • Shoes. I managed to find some cheap blue "ugg" boots (very polyestery) at Woolies.
  • Belt. $5 black fake leather belt from Red Dot. This will be spray painted.
  • Everything else. I figure I can make all the extra bits (compass, hat, mustache) out of painted cardboard. 
When it all finally arrived and I assembled it, it looked rather silly. I just looked like an anorexic polar bear that had just decided to enter a sludge tank. Realising that the big head would be the most important feature, I decided to make the giant head I first imagined. This was becoming a big project...

Stay tuned for the next episode.

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